Did I tell you I’m a huge Dramione fan?

Cause apparently, I am. 

And please, don’t start with all this “but Draco would never have feeling for Hermione” or “they hated eachother” or “he called her a mudblood for ages” because we aaaalllll know that passion can many times be found where there was once only hate. 

There are many reasons why Dramione can’t work. But what if, what if it did?

Even though the ‘the good girl falling for the bad boy’ is a nice concept, I really prefer the ‘ the good girl falling for the bad boy who turns good just for her’ one. It’s like, 10000x times better, don’t you think?

We also all know that even though Draco often appeared ruthless and cruel, he was a sensitive bloke deep, deeeep inside. Some may say his father was the reason for his cruelty, others say it was just how he was as a person. Either way, he was definitely forced to act like an enormous git, since his family’s fame and his parent’s lives depended on it. 

In other words, he had to ignore Hermione’s screaming while his aunt Bellatrix crucioed the hell out of her, simply because they would both get killed otherwise. 

And don’t tell me you didn’t see how they looked at eachother during classes!! The lust was apparent!

What’s more, Tom Felton and Hermione Granger definitely look good together. They almost became a couple in real life, too! Ughh! (hopeless Dramione fan scream right here)

Anyways, some still say that Dramione is a waste of time.. Some even choose Drapple over Dramione, which, is exactly what you think. They ship Draco and an apple! A fricking apple! Dramione aaaalllll the way!!

Ps. I’m obviously mad about Dramione and spend my free time reading Dramione fanfictions. Fight me.

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